Math 608, Spring 2025
Course Information
Time: MWF 9:10-10
Location: BLOC 123
Instructor: Dean Baskin
Office: BLOC 614B
Office hours: M 1:30-2:30, F 10-11
- Homework 4 had two errors in its original version: In problem 2, the denominator should be in terms of the metric rather than an absolute value. In problem 4a, the series should converge to the inverse of I-T
- Office hours on Friday, February 7 and Monday, February 10 will not be held as planned. Instead, I will hold office hours 11-12 on Thursday, February 6 and 1:30-2:30 on Tuesday, February 11.
- There was an error in the first problem of homework 3; compactness should be countable compactness. Another error was in problem 2(b): the word compact was missing. Both have been changed online.
- I am open to moving my Monday office hours to a different time on Monday (within constraints of my schedule). If they currently do not work for you, please let me know times that do work for you on Mondays.
- I will hold additional office hour time on Tuesday, January 28 from 4pm to 4:45pm.
Lecture topics
- January 13: Syllabus highlights. Definition of topology, countability axioms.
- January 15: Separability axioms. Continuity. Product topology.
- January 17: Nets. Statements of Urysohn Lemma and Tietze extension theorem. Beginning of proof. No office hours on Monday, January 20.
- January 22: Proof of Urysohn Lemma. Compactness.
- January 24: Locally compact Hausdorff spaces. Statement of Tychonoff theorem.
- January 27: Proof of Tychonoff theorem. Arzela–Ascoli and proof.
- January 29: Locally compact version of Arzela–Ascoli, statement and beginning of proof of Stone–Weierstrass.
- January 31: Proof of Stone–Weierstrass.
- February 3: End of Stone–Weierstrass, definition of normed vector space and Banach space.
- February 5: Examples of Banach spaces, bounded linear between normed spaces.
- February 7: Bounded linear functionals, Hahn–Banach (real version).
- February 10: Hahn–Banach (complex version), consequences.
- February 12: More consequences of Hahn–Banach, Baire category statement.
- February 14: Baire category theorem, Open mapping theorem.
- February 17: Closed graph theorem, principle of uniform boundedness.
- February 19: Exam.
- February 21: Interesting subclasses of operators, including compact operators.
- Homework 0, due Wednesday, January 15.
- Homework 1, due Wednesday, January 22.
- Homework 2, due Wednesday, January 29.
- Homework 3, due Wednesday, February 5.
- Homework 4, due Wednesday, February 12.
- Homework 5, not to be turned in.
- Homework 6, due Wednesday, February 26.